What is Web 2.0?

What is meant by the headword Web 2.0?

  • In 2004 Tim O’Reilly (founder and chief of O’Reilly Publishing House) and Dale Dougherty (co-founder of O’Reilly Publishing House) organized a brainstorming session on new techniques and trends on the web.
  • These changes of the web should be the main topic of a conference after the bursting of the dotcom bubble.
  • Tim O’Reilly coined the term „Web 2.0“ as a headword.
  • In autumn 2004 the first „Web 2.0 Conference“ was held in San Francisco.

What is Web 2.0 all about?

Common shared intelligence due to

  • Networking
  • Interactivity
  • Openness

Web 2.0, the contribute web

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