NASA: Better information due to Web 2.0
Montag, 03. September 2007Once more somebody has realized the potential of the web 2.0-elements in terms of information conveyance on a web site. This time, however, the object it has dawned on is the American Space Agency NASA.
In occasion of its 50th anniversary due next year the relaunch is endowed with the version number 5.0 and consists of the first few of a vast number of web 2.0-features planned to be built in by NASA.
Critical Mass is responsible for its realization, the new user-interface being completely based on the javascript-frameworks Prototype and
Some of the new features:
- Transitions: numerous animations in menus and trees
- Accordion: news-entries with roll-over-effect
- Subject-based navigation
- Calendar komponent
- Tag cloud
- Bookmarking: MyNASA as well as support for Digg, and others
- Opportunity to comment and polls
- Photo gallery