Archiv für die Kategorie ‘Uncategorized’

Tourism portals or “The needle in a haystack”

Samstag, 28. April 2007

In the blog of (one of the few anyway and at the same time one of the most interesting in the land of apples and wine) in an article dated 23rd April 2007 some tourism portals are introduced which „concentrate on the most essential information while offering at the same time further information on holidays in South Tyrol“.

On (in terms of blog-rating absolutely to be listed among those indicated in the brackets above) the same subject has been dealt with at around the same time, another list is being delivered there.

If Mr Peer will be as kind as not to concentrate too much on his own portals while writing at the same time that it „can in any case be … quite interesting to further add to the list and update it“, we do justifiably enough hope that also our portal will be honoured some time.

The same is true for Herbert’s blog, of course.

We are branded!

Donnerstag, 12. April 2007

The brand management office of the Südtiroler Dachmarke has just confirmed the correct use and position of the umbrella brand logo and its elements, which means that the final layout of version 1.0 is by now fixed.

Umbrella brand logo South Tyrol