03. November 2007

After endless discussions, uncountable domain checks and first signs of a row 2.0 the name is firmly established while at the same time being a commitment!

The name unmistakably follows web 2.0 which is not unwanted and thoroughly intended even though many will have to cope with the missing ‘e’. We are of the opinion that by not being there it adds to the fascination of the word, the same is true in arts where perfect is boring, anyway just think of,,,, and many other providers and you’ll know that we are in good company.

For similar future problems we recommend the Web 2.0 Name Generator.

Advertising on Web 2.0

14. Oktober 2007

Without doubt web 2.0 is the internet term which has most often been used in the last 12 months. Due to the amount of 2.7 bn € spent on online advertising all possible opportunities for advertising on web 2.0 are being researched. According to the of the online-advertising agency , there are new horizons to be explored by advertisers:

Web 2.0 has got numerous new opportunities in store for the user which will not only modify online-usage in a sustained way but also social and consumers’ behaviour. In the last year already as much as 12 percent of the German population aged 14 and above used a web 2.0 application at least once a week. As to the onliners, it was every fifth. Since the users are more and more networking, the influence of informal communication is increasing: By the end of 2006 half of the German internet users asked in a poll said that they were relying on recommendations of web 2.0 newsgroups for purchase decisions.

“Engagement Marketing” is the new magic formula describing a procedure which focuses on additional benefit for the customer.

This just hits the core of The visitor is king!

Web 2.0 on YouTube

02. Oktober 2007

With almost 200,000 views the by far most often watched video on web 2.0 shall provide a visual introduction into web 2.0 tools along with the corresponding Wikipedia article:

NASA: Better information due to Web 2.0

03. September 2007

Once more somebody has realized the potential of the web 2.0-elements in terms of information conveyance on a web site. This time, however, the object it has dawned on is the American Space Agency NASA.

In occasion of its 50th anniversary due next year the relaunch is endowed with the version number 5.0 and consists of the first few of a vast number of web 2.0-features planned to be built in by NASA.

Critical Mass is responsible for its realization, the new user-interface being completely based on the javascript-frameworks Prototype and

Some of the new features:

  • Transitions: numerous animations in menus and trees
  • Accordion: news-entries with roll-over-effect
  • Subject-based navigation
  • Calendar komponent
  • Tag cloud
  • Bookmarking: MyNASA as well as support for Digg, and others
  • Opportunity to comment and polls
  • Photo gallery

Web 2.0 at NASA

A portal is a portal is a portal

10. August 2007

The number of portals on South Tyrol, from to, has long since passed the mark of 1,000 entries, not to mention all the parked domains referring to South Tyrol, which are certainly the majority among the some 1,300 current hits in a corresponding search (without geographical and umlaut domains).

Most of them have one major aim: to generate turnover for the portal provider or their direct customers (i.e. advertising customers).

So here comes the sixty-four-thousand-dollar-question:

Who takes care of those customers who do not directly pay the portal provider but are simply looking for an opportunity to best use their holiday budget?